• FEBRUARY 22, 2025
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  • Annual examination of 70 marks in 6th-9th, with learning assessment

Annual examination of 70 marks in 6th-9th, with learning assessment

  • Education
  • Staff Correspondent
  • Published: 11 Sep 2024, 06:46 PM

For the 2024 academic year sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth class learning assessment and annual examination, short syllabus preparation, question pattern and manpower distribution have been revised and refined. Today on Wednesday, National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCBT) released the question pattern and manpower distribution.

According to the notification published by NCBT, in all secondary level educational institutions of general, madrasah and technical education system, the academic year 2024 academic year sixth to ninth standard and annual examination will be held in the light of the revised evaluation guidelines. However, the Madrasa and Technical Education specialized subjects and Class 10 assessment will be held in the same manner as before. Some general instructions are also given on how to conduct learning assessment and annual examination.

1. In the academic year 2024, the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade learning assessment and annual examination will be done based on the content of the textbook prepared in the light of the National Curriculum 2022;

2. The assessment process will be conducted in two parts, learning assessment and annual examination;

3. The concerned educational institutions will conduct the learning assessment program by the teachers under their own supervision and formulate the annual examination question paper following the given question paper pattern. However, the sample question paper cannot be used exactly. Students of their respective educational institutions will take the annual examination of the academic year 2024 with the help of the formulated questions;

4. The total marks for the evaluation process of each subject will be 100. Out of this, the weightage of the learning assessment will be 30% and the weightage of the examination will be 70%. Subject-wise GP determination procedure to be followed in preparation of annual examination results;

5. The annual examination will be conducted through a written examination of 100 marks in each subject as per the short syllabus. Total duration of written exam will be 3 hours.

6. Since the total marks allotted for each subject is 30 for continuous/learning assessment and the total marks allotted for written examination is 100, therefore, in preparing the annual result of a student in a subject, 70% of the marks obtained in the annual written examination are added to the marks obtained by him in the continuous/learning assessment of that subject. The annual result or grade of that subject should be determined.

Let's say student 'A' got 25 out of 30 marks in Bengali learning assessment and 80 out of 100 marks in written test.

In determining his annual result/grade in Bengali subject, adding 70% of the 80 marks obtained in the written test with his 25 marks in the continuous assessment i.e. (80 × 70%) = 56, the total marks obtained by him in Bengali subject will be (25+56) = 81. The GP-Grade Point of student 'A' in Bengali subject will be 5.00 and letter grade will be A. If minimum D grade is obtained in a subject, the student will be considered as passed in that subject. A student who gets D grade in 3 or more subjects will not be able to pass to the next class. However, subject to discussion with the subject teachers, the head of the institution can give him the opportunity to move to the next class with special consideration. The special consideration will be applicable only for the academic year 2024.

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