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  • The best time to eat your meals to shed kilos
Weight loss

The best time to eat your meals to shed kilos

People tend to look for quick ways to reduce weight rather than working hard. COURTESY

  • Health
  • Life Desk
  • Published: 15 Feb 2022, 11:28 AM

Losing weight is not less than a Herculean’s task. It takes dedication and immense hard work to reduce weight. Following online weight-loss regimes are easy but a lot harder to follow and to be consistent. Excess of anything is bad but not including different foods in your diet can lead to missing out on important nutrients. People tend to look for quick ways to reduce weight rather than working hard. It is important that you do not stick to shortcuts but take the long road to success. 

Along with this, your food consumption timing is of equal importance too. The right time of eating plays an important role in digestion and metabolism. You can stick to a routine and follow it rigorously. 

Midnight Snacking

A lot of people binge midnight snacking or eat something really heavy late at night. According to a lot of experts, the best time for snacking is 9.30 AM or 11 AM. Our craving increases around 3 AM which is not good for our health. Snacking in between meals is understandable. Nutritious snacking can help in balancing and is proper. Including snacks that are high in fiber, protein-rich and low on carbohydrates can help in not gaining weight. By having long intervals between meals and a lack of snacking, your craving for food increases. 

Skipping Meals

Do not skip meals. This will lead to increase craving and a poor metabolism rate. By skipping breakfast, you are slowing down the metabolism too. According to a study by Osaka University, skipping lunch and dinner are linked with gaining weight. The study also revealed how people who skipped dinner were heavy drinkers and smokers.

Tab on Calorie Deficient 

It is important you maintain calorie count when embarking on a weight loss journey. Burning calories and losing weight are linked. When you eat more food than required, your body stores it as body weight and does not help in energy purposes. Hence, it is important that you keep a tab on calorie intake and take up regular exercising.

Food Consumption Timing

Time is everything. Right from the time when you have breakfast till dinner, time matters. Following certain fixed mealtime is advised. You should have breakfast as soon as you wake up. Prefer having lunch around 1.30 PM to 2 PM. Later in the evening should be avoided. Dinner around 6 PM is ideal but delay or advance does not do any harm.

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