Life Desk
Published:12 Mar 2021, 11:54 AM
Expand your horizon and push for new frontiers
Do you ever have the desire to step out of your comfort zone and seek new experiences? This longing to diversify our life can happen at times when we feel especially stuck, whether it’s our career, daily routine, or relationships. Here are some ways to expand your horizon and push for new frontiers.
Pinpoint where you
are complacent in life
The first step to expanding your horizon is to assess where you have become stagnant in life. This can happen when you find yourself just going through the motions without truly being present. It can feel much like when you’re doing the same workout every day; eventually, your muscles get used to it. The routine is no longer as rewarding or impactful.
In life, perhaps you have become complacent with your job, and your workdays always look the same. Try to change your sitting if possible. New scenery can bring a different energy and even inspiration.
Maybe you have become complacent with your health and lifestyle. Joining a new social circle could open your world.
Start small by switching up what you do on your days off from work. Instead of always going to the same restaurant or taking your routine walk, try a new cuisine or go for a hike. You will find that experimenting with fresh activities can broaden your perspective.
Understand what is
holding you back
Sometimes, you find yourself not attempting something new because you are afraid of failure. Perhaps, in your past, you made a mistake, that feeling prevents you from trying again. This can lead to being stuck in a safe zone where you aren’t reaching for new horizons: we fear making changes.
Find what is holding you back. Once you figure out what is boxing you in, you can work to push beyond it. Before embarking on a new project, tell yourself positive affirmations that will empower you. You can also write down any fears you might have about expanding your horizons, then crumple the paper up and throw it away. This is a cathartic feeling that will allow you to release any pent-up emotions.
Pursue opportunities
through passion
Another way to expand your horizon and push for new frontiers is to chase opportunities that align with what you are passionate about. Life is short, so, ideally, everything we do should excite us or bring us joy.
If you are feeling trapped or disappointed in your job, remind yourself of why you entered that industry in the first place. If it still sparks passion within you, then make a plan for how you can pursue new opportunities. Exploring what is available can bring you to new frontiers.
The same goes for hobbies or learning new skills. Embark on something you do feel passionate about. Take the first step by finding an instructor and committing to a lesson once a week.
Consider time and money
It’s important to keep in mind the time and money that goes into expanding your horizon. We all only have 24 hours in a day, so how we choose to spend each moment is important.
When you consider the new experiences you are seeking, ask yourself what the payoff or benefit will be. Understanding if the time required for expanding your horizon is beneficial will allow you to commit more fully to the process.
Money is the second key factor when it comes to pushing for new frontiers. You do not want to jump into an endeavor and be financially unprepared. When it comes to expanding your horizons, money, if spent wisely, is an element that will allow you to accomplish many new ventures.
Build relationships
that will elevate you
Part of expanding your horizon is widening your knowledge and mindset, which can come from developing uplifting relationships. Every person you meet will have unique opinions and outlooks on life. Finding those people who elevate you is vital for living a fulfilling life. It is also important to find someone who will challenge you to be the best version of yourself.
Along with building positive relationships, you should also let go of connections that are not serving you. You will be unable to grow and find new experiences if you are stuck in bonds with people who are holding you back.
You can also manage how often you are around family and how much you allow them to impact your life. Your loved ones know your triggers and can occasionally fill your head with self-doubt when you are trying a new activity. On the other hand, they might be very supportive and encouraging. Sometimes creating more space between you and your relatives gives you the independence you need to expand your horizon.
Create a vision board
Creating a vision board helps get you started and excited. If you want to expand your horizon through traveling more often, consider printing out pictures of your dream destinations and writing down a few words that motivate you towards that goal. This vision board is the idea is to create reminders of what you’re working towards and inspire you to keep going.
A vision board does not have to be entirely visual, either. Music can be a powerful tool for expanding your horizon. Certain songs might evoke specific emotions and remind you of times when you were successful, empowered, or loved. A playlist of songs can energize you and boost your confidence and make pushing for those new frontiers seem more attainable.
Leverage technology
The beauty of technology is that it gives us so much power to expand our horizons. Right from our computers and phones, we have the ability to connect with different people, research exciting opportunities, or escape from reality for a bit.
Maybe you’ve been feeling less in touch with people these days because you’re home more often. Luckily, there are still chances to build relationships from home.
There are also many ways to expand your horizon through networking online. You might go online to watch tutorials for learning new skills or read articles on topics that interest you. Doing this will expand your expertise in different areas and allow you to discover new talents.
Final thoughts
The benefits of expanding your horizon and pushing for new frontiers are plentiful, particularly the personal development and joy for living that comes with it. Many people remain stuck in relationships, jobs, or habits because they believe the grass will not be greener on the other side. However, if you hold yourself back from taking that leap of faith, you will miss out on important life experiences.